
White Chip Brownies

My dad affectionately calls these "The World's Best Brownies." I've made them several times before, and they're especially good warmed up and paired with vanilla ice cream and a little chocolate syrup. It's a pretty standard homemade brownie recipe, nothing too difficult about it... But for some reason I had trouble with the drizzle this time. =/ You see, you reserve 1/2 cup of white chocolate chips, melt them in a Ziploc bag in the microwave as per Toll House's directions, cut a small hole in the corner of the bag, and do a nice, pretty white drizzle finish over the brownies before serving. As you can see, the brownie in the picture is sadly naked... But it was not for a lack of trying.

For whatever reason, each time I tried to do the drizzle, the white chocolate became too hard in the bag for it to come out of the hole and, well, drizzle on top of the brownies. I tried FOUR times, using an entire bag of white chocolate chips, trying to get this right. It was bizarre because I've never had this much trouble with it before. I tried both quart-size and gallon-size freezer-grade Ziploc bags; I tried microwaving the chips for less time and more time than indicated; I tried placing the bag straight in the microwave and on top of a saucer... But each time the chocolate hardened in the bag. It was very disheartening and frustrating for me. ='(

Anyway, despite the lack of white drizzle, these brownies are still pretty darn amazing. They deserve a 4 1/2 (preferably with drizzle), and if you serve it up warm with ice cream it becomes an instant O-M-G 5-star dessert.


~Jesia <3

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