
Chocolate Cinnamon Nut Bars

While I'm not sure how I feel about combining chocolate and cinnamon (it just seems odd to me, maybe because I'm not used to it), these bars are easy to make, look nice, and are very flavorful. The nuts add some bulk to the crust, and surprisingly they don't overwhelm the other flavors. Also, while there is a small amount of cinnamon in the crust, you can definitely taste it. I was a little concerned, because it didn't sound like much, but it's actually a good amount. The chocolate topping is a mixture of melted chocolate and other ingredients, and the batter is actually pretty gooey and thick, almost like brownie batter. It's an interesting recipe all the way around.

I'd give this a 4 out of 5. The taste is actually pretty amazing, even if I do think it's an odd combination.


~Jesia <3

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