This is by far my least favorite as of now... It's one of those recipes where you can't avoid the almonds, and not only am I allergic but I also don't like them. My parents LOVE this recipe, but I really don't... I found it dull and bland, despite all the chocolate. The almonds were just overwhelming. >< The recipe was odd too. The crust is made of simply flour, butter, and brown sugar. The filling honestly looks like someone ate too many almonds and chocolate chips and vomited it up. (Sorry to be so graphic in a food blog, but it's true.) There was 1/4 cup of amaretto liqueur called for in the recipe (or 1/2 teaspoon almond extract, but I figured since these are amaretto bars they should have amaretto liquer). Thanks to my dad for buying the liqueur for me - I couldn't find anything small enough for what I needed, and I was kind of reluctant to spend almost $10 on a bottle of alcohol I was only going to use a little bit of.
Anyway, as far as a rating, I'd have to give this a 2 out of 5... That is slightly generous, but I feel that it would be unfair to penalize the recipe for being comprised mostly of an ingredient I'm allergic to and don't like. Like I said, my parents love these bars though. I suppose it really is a matter of personal taste. If you love almonds and chocolate, this is right up your alley.
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