
Oatmeal Scotchies

Who would've thought of putting oatmeal, cinnamon, and butterscotch together? I probably wouldn't have come up with that on my own, but damn it's pretty tasty. Of course, oatmeal and cinnamon cookies on their own are good and is probably a pretty standard cookie, but add butterscotch chips to the mix and it just gets better. I didn't realize I liked butterscotch so well until I tried these cookies. ^-^

This is a pretty standard cookie recipe: butter, an even ratio of sugar to brown sugar, vanilla, and eggs, then add a mix of flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon. To finish add the oats and chips, and voila! You've got a tasty snack. My apprentice Luke helped me out again today after he got out of class. He's really getting the hang of baking, and I'm proud of him. =) Now, if only the oven at his house worked I could give him homework...

Anyway, there are different baking times depending on how you like your cookies: 7-8 minutes for chewy, 9-10 for crispy. I thought I'd try for some chewy and some crispy so there'd be something for everyone. A word of caution - the chewy ones are delicate like the first recipe of original chocolate chip cookies. They tend to break or get holes in the middle if you're not careful when moving the cookies from the baking sheet to the cooling rack.

Taste? Mmmm... I just knew they were going to taste good when I got the first batch out of the oven. The hint of cinnamon is to die for, and the chewiness of the oatmeal is certainly a satisfying texture. The butterscotch chips melt a little and are the perfect complement, bringing together a unique cookie you've probably never tasted before. Like I said, I never realized how much I liked butterscotch until I tried this recipe. I'd proudly give it 4 out of 5 stars. I love you, Toll House. <3

I sent some cookies home with Luke, and Dad has already eaten a few (I'm pretty sure he likes them a lot =P). I told Mom that if a homemade cookie like this didn't make her feel better, then she was sicker than we all thought. She has bronchitis, among other issues. =(

I plan to bake two more recipes before January is over. =) So far so good on my schedule, I think. I need to do at least six recipes each month (I'm counting eleven months since I'll be gone all of June for a study abroad in Japan), with a remainder of three recipes. I plan to do one extra recipe, so seven in a month, three times to keep on track. It'll be easiest to squeeze that extra one in during months when I don't have a full month of class, which is why I'm doing seven during this month of January. I don't start classes again until the 25th. =P

Cheers! And here's to butterscotch and oatmeal!


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