
The Goal

365 days ~ 70 Nestlé Toll House cookie recipes

Doesn't sound too bad, right?
For me it will be a challenge.

Here are the obstacles:
I am a full-time college student at Western Kentucky University.
It is decidedly inconvenient to bake from scratch at the dorm.
I will be in Japan from June 1st to July 1st, which means one month of no baking.
And finally, I need people to help me eat all those sweets.

My dad jokes with me that I have to buy him new jeans when I bake stuff, and my mom asks me to get my baked goods out of the house. I remind them that they don't have to eat the stuff I bake, buuuut... they do anyway.

The cookbook I'm using is Nestlé Toll House's Best-Loved Cookies. I will try my best at each and every recipe through this year, and I will appreciate any support I am given. =) Here's to a sweet 2010!



1 comment:

  1. Woo! I can't wait to see all the cool things you will make!
