
Blonde Brownies

Very standard recipe. Sort of boring, really. The only mildly interesting thing is that no granulated sugar is used - only brown sugar. By the way, what the hell is a "jelly roll pan" exactly? The recipe called for spreading the batter in a greased 10" x 15" jelly roll pan. I used the closest thing I could find in the kitchen, which was a cookie sheet with raised edges that I measured at about 11" x 15". I just now Google-Imaged "jelly roll pan" and it looks a lot like the thing I used... I just call it a cookie sheet with sides, but whatevs. =P

Maybe I've just been spoiled lately with all these more decadent recipes, but I wasn't super impressed with the Blonde Brownies. I mean, they're not bad. They're tasty and all. It's just, they're nothing special. However, my parents recommend warming up a brownie in the microwave for a few seconds and topping it with vanilla ice cream and Hershey's syrup to jazz it up.

The Blonde Brownies by themselves I think deserve 3 out of 5 stars. They're reasonably chewy, but not incredibly moist or thick like regular chocolate brownies. Like I said, this recipe is fine. It's just not one of my favorites.



1 comment:

  1. The ones that were brought to Granny and Papaw's were delicious. :D
