
Chunky Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies

Sooo... I understand peanut butter and chocolate. That's a match made in heaven. But, who would've thought of peanut butter and chocolate with a hint of... cinnamon? Apparently, Toll House did. The name really describes it. As you can see in the picture, these cookies are chunky to the max: chock-full of chocolate chips and peanuts. To tell you the truth though, I was a little disappointed in this recipe. I love chocolate and I adore peanuts and peanut butter. I figured this would be a GREAT cookie recipe. Don't get me wrong; it's not bad at all. It's just not as good as I imagined. I think I prefer more peanut butter (there was only 1/2 cup in the recipe) and the cinnamon just didn't do anything for me. I'm sure it's purely a matter of personal taste.

I wonder if it would've been better to use honey-roasted peanuts. Those are really yummy and sweet. I used regular salted cocktail peanuts, since the recipe didn't specify what kind. It called for the nuts to be coarsely chopped, but I didn't feel like dealing with chopping up 1/2 cup-worth. I just made sure that they were all separated into halves before adding them to the dough. Besides chunky, the texture is slightly crisp. Yum. <3 I think they would have held together better had I chopped the peanuts like I was supposed to. The cookies tend to break off into chunks, probably because of the large pieces of peanut.

I'm having a difficult time deciding on a rating. I feel that they deserve a little better than a 3, but maybe not quite as much as a 3 1/2. It's just hard to say.

Not bad, Toll House, but you can do better!



1 comment:

  1. I really like this recipe...the cinammon taste came thru nicely. Delicious and unique.
